About Us

One Department, Two Centres





Dr. Ramesh Kumar Mishra


Telephone: +914023135471
E-Mail : deanmd@uohyd.ac.in, rkmishra@uohyd.ac.in


About the School

The School has eminent biomedical scientists, Public health Specialist, optometrist, cognitive scientist and psychologist from India as its board members. The School collaborates with the School of Life Sciences, School of Management Sciences, School of Social Sciences, School of Economics, SN School of Arts and Communication, and Centres of the University involved in Health Sciences research.

The School has also established memorandum of understandings (MoU) with University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, Public Health Foundation of India/Indian Institute of Public Health, Hyderabad and George Institute for Global Health for academic and research activities.

The school has been able to receive support from various grants from funding agencies like ICSSR, SICI, ICMR, Erasmus Plus grant (OCULUS) by European Union, UKIERI under UGC grant, UPE 2 grant and from Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.

Vision of the School

School of Medical Sciences of the University of Hyderabad will strive and endeavour to become an internationally reputed  state of art professional, academic, research and clinical entity including a health provider through excellent clinical, and health services, teaching, research and capacity building. This will contribute to the health of the society by training students and researchers who can transform the practice of medicine in the country and region

Mission of the School

School of Medical Sciences is a learning centre dedicated to enable the medical and health sciences students to become competent, compassionate and creative professionals, and health care providers through an integrated approach.


Int. Master of Optometry


Ph.D. Health Sciences